Going the Distance Virtually for Mental Health

Published Date
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 20, 2020

Windsor, ON: Distance runners say there's nothing quite like the sound of cheering crowds lining the roadway to keep motivated during a long run. The sound of banging pots and pans, air horns, or just a loud bellowing "GO!" can easily extend a runner's stamina as they venture towards the finish line.

In yet another change in a long list of things affected by COVID-19, this year's Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Marathon had none of that fanfare. However, what it lacked in gathered crowds it doubled in uniqueness, inspiration and community caring. Marathon runners on both sides of the border raced virtually, carving out paths on city streets towards their distance goals.

ENWIN's Brett Chaborek was among those runners. For Brett, the event did more than just add another 13.1 miles to his running resume. It supported his fundraising efforts towards Canadian Mental Health Association - Windsor Essex County Branch as an ENWIN Grassroots Fundraising Initiative. With help from his ENWIN colleagues, friends and family, Brett raised $1,710 including ENWIN's corporate match donation.

"A big thank you to everybody for your support, donations, and words of encouragement," said Brett. "Together we were able to surpass the fundraising goal, and really help out the CMHA Windsor Essex County Branch once again. Even though this Detroit Virtual Marathon event was much smaller than what we were used to, the support from other runners, friends, family and co-workers really kept us going."

"We call our staff who always put community first 'ENWIN Superheroes' for a reason," stated ENWIN President and CEO, Helga Reidel. "If running around the city on a rainy Sunday in the name of raising funds for an important cause isn't a super power, I'm not sure what is! Thank you Brett for always putting our community first and for representing ENWIN so well."

PHOTO: ENWIN's Brett Chaborek shows off his very real finisher's medal

PHOTO: ENWIN's Brett Chaborek shows off his very real finisher's medal.