Ontario Adjusts CEAP Assistance Program Eligibility

Published Date
Monday, October 19, 2020

ENWIN Rolling Out Changes Designed to Benefit More Customers

October 19, 2020

Windsor, ON: ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN) is now rolling out changes implemented by the Ontario Government, to the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), designed to increase the number of customers eligible to receive this support. On September 30, 2020, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) changed the eligibility requirements of CEAP and CEAP-SB. 

Applicants who previously applied, but did not qualify have been automatically re-evaluated, using the new criteria. There is no need to reapply. However, the utility is now accepting applications from eligible residential and small businesses that did not previously apply.

CEAP and CEAP-SB provides a one time, on-bill credit to eligible customers to help them catch up on their energy bills and resume regular payments. Residential customers may be eligible for a one-time credit of $115 and up to $230 if their home is heated by electricity or use eligible at-home medical devices. Small business and registered charity customers may be eligible for up to $425 in support towards their electricity bill. Businesses that use electricity for heating may qualify for as much as $850.

"The changes to eligibility requirements means that more customers will receive funding," said Robert Spagnuolo, Director Customer Service. "Customers who have already applied will have their applications reviewed against the new criteria, and will hear from us directly. For customers who have not yet applied, we encourage them to review the revised guidelines, as they too may now be eligible for this funding." 

For eligibility requirements and to apply through an online form, click here. ENWIN's Customer Service Representatives are standing by at 519-255-2727 to answer any questions.